Preaching recently on Romans 8.1-11, about being set free through Christ and by the law of the Spirit of life, I prepared a prayer in which together we give thanks for the love of God in Jesus Christ.
What does it mean that a Christian lives in a world like ours, knowing the eternal and inexhaustible love of God? It means trusting the love of the crucified and risen Lord, and acknowledging our human weakness and dependence on the presence and grace of God in Christ.
What kind of prayer at least begins to give words to an incalculable debt cancelled at infinite cost? And what is it we give thanks for, and to whom?
This prayer is intentionally offered in words weighted with gratitude, spoken with hushed wonder, and offered as worship which is the fusion of love for God and a life of obedience in the service of Christ, 'The Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Love of Christ, with Response:
Into our world of darkness came Jesus, the Light of the world
Thanks be to God for Jesus, God's wonderful gift,
The Son of God who loved me, and gave himself for me.
To hearts that are hungry comes Jesus, the Bread of Life.
Thanks be to God for Jesus, God's wonderful gift,
The Son of God who loved me, and gave himself for me.
To those who are anxious and afraid, comes Jesus the Good Shepherd
Thanks be to God for Jesus, God's wonderful gift,
The Son of God who loved me, and gave himself for me.
To those who feel life is going nowhere, comes Jesus the Way, the Truth and the Life
Thanks be to God for Jesus, God's wonderful gift,
The Son of God who loved me, and gave himself for me.
To those who are thirsty for truth and new purpose in life, comes Jesus the Living Water.
Thanks be to God for Jesus, God's wonderful gift,
The Son of God who loved me, and gave himself for me.
To those afraid of life, losing hope, struggling to hold things together, comes Jesus the Resurrection and the Life
Thanks be to God for Jesus, God's wonderful gift,
The Son of God who loved me, and gave himself for me.
Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour, receive the gratitude and prayer of our hearts.
Spirit of life and freedom, give us the energy to live for you in the freedom and joy of Christ.
Creator God, send us out into this God-loved world to be channels of your love, agents of your compassion, and conduits of your peace.