I'm currently re-reading Howard Marshall's slim commentary on 1 Peter. Amongst Howard's gifts as a writer was his common sense, and the always asked question, "Yes, but what does the text ask of us?" So, on hospitality, this gem:
"...an area where special tolerance of other people's faults is required -- is hospitality."
The welcome of the Christian community involves 'special tolerance of other peoples faults'. Hospitality is to be generous in spirit as well as in kind, genuine gladness in the presence of this other person. Peter adds a further obligation, in 1 Peter 4.9 "without grumbling".
A lifetime's courtesy informed Howard's comment: "The arrival of guests can be inconvenient for many good reasons, and guests can be awkward people. Therefore Christians must give hospitality without grudging and without grumbling, whether secretly or openly."
Those who knew Howard know perfectly well that he lived that way, and whether in home or study, his smile of welcome was immediate.
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