Eternal God, in whom we live and move and have our being,
we bring before you in prayer and trust, our town and our country.
We thank you for all who serve our communities in the spirit of the common good,
working together to improve the facilities and services we all rely on every day.
We thank you for all our elected officials,
Local Councillors, and members of Parliament,
and for the years of public service they have given to our communities.
As we come to these elections we pray for all the candidates from each of the parties.
We pray that they will be people of integrity and vision,
with a sense of the common good
and a commitment to learn of and meet the needs of those they will represent.
Especially we pray that matters of social justice
and provision for our more vulnerable citizens
will be given both priority and resources.
You are a God of faithfulness, mercy and justice,
and we pray that those values will be reflected not only in manifestos,
but in creative policies that enable and support people
towards a more secure and flourishing life.
We pray for our schools and hospitals, our police and emergency services;
we pray for social care and services,
for foodbanks and other charities and organisations
that contribute to the lives and wellbeing of those in our town and County.
For ourselves we pray that you will guide our thinking,
as responsible citizens in our community,
and as citizens of heaven and followers of Jesus.
Give us wisdom and discernment,
and a determination to play our own part
in making life around us more positive and more caring,
so that by our working together there can be a flourishing of life
and a renewal of energy, initiative and co-operation.
God of hope and justice, renew our political life,
restore values of honesty, respect, responsibility and public spirited service.
Give strength and moral courage to those who serve faithfully and well,
and who by example show these values of public service for the common good,
Hear our prayers and may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,
So may your Kingdom come, Amen