“He has shown you, every one of you, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6.8
Creator God, thank you for the goodness of your creation,
for the fruit of the earth, human work and skill,
and for food and home, clothes and comfort.
Lord God, when we come to worship you,
what else can we bring but ourselves?
We come not because we are worthy,
but because you are worthy - of our praise.
And so we come to praise and pray
and to be changed by your Holy Spirit.
We come to worship,
and then to go out into your world in your peace,
and by your grace, to live the life of Christ within us.
God of justice and what is right, help us to hunger and thirst for righteousness.
Teach us to care about justice in our world, our country, and our town.
Help us to care enough to do something about it
when people are struggling - and we can help.
Lord of compassion, you are merciful and kind,
and you call us to be the same.
Give us eyes that look for and find opportunities
to make a difference in other people’s lives.
Lord we have a lot to be humble about,
especially in the place of worship.
In our daily lives we depend on your grace,
and trust in your goodness and mercy.
Keep us humble in heart and mind.
God of justice, make us a people hungry for justice for ourselves and for others
God of mercy, so fill us and surprise us with your love that
we cannot contain it and your love overflows in deeds of kindness to others.
God of humble love, who in Christ came amongst us
to live human life as you intended,
humble us in gratitude, love and service.
All this we ask, so that our worship may be real and true,
and so become acceptable in your sight. AMEN