God is sovereign , nothing else must be regarded as sovereign , including our ideas about God . As I have sometimes put it , the great advantage of believing in God is that you are then liberated from believing in a lot of other things that incessantly try to set themselves up as god — like nations , and governments , and ideologies , and dictators , and presidents , and ( yes ! ) religions , and churches , and priestly hierarchies , or even ( in democracies ) majority opinion!
(Waiting for Gospel, Douglas John Hall, p.37; A book of late essays by Hall)
His earlier book The Cross in Our Context remains one of the most challenging books on the Church at the end of Christendom having to relinquish a theology of Glory and return to a theology of the cross. It's one of the books I return to often, and value it more each time.
Photo of Westhill Community Church, on a dark late winter afternoon!