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February 17, 2021


Dave Summers

Prayers stored up in heaven - it's a good thought. It reminded me of a cartoon I once saw where God, surrounded by angels, was sitting at his desk with overflowing in-trays marked "Win the Lottery", "New car", etc, and one with only a few sheets of paper marked "World peace".
But thinking of Jesus's comment about the Pharisee "praying to himself", I wonder how many of there bulging in-tray prayers - and indeed, how many of mine (there's a Lent reflection for me) - ever get through to heaven.
"Prayers stored up" also points to finding a balance between persistence and sometimes desperate repetition.

Jim Gordon

Hello Dave - good to hear from you again. Your points are all worth a ponder, but then the whole nexus of questions and experiences of prayer are worth a ponder! What I found intriguing in the Julian quote, and indeed in her overall approach to prayer, is her assumption that since God is love, first and last and foremost, God cherishes the words of those he loves, especially when spoken to God. That isnt a thought Ive come across in Evangelical thinking - the more Reformed would think such a thought sentimental and lacking seriousness about Gods otherness and sovereignty.
The prayers stored up I read as God storing them, filing them away as important documents of the soul. I guess God can be trusted to file away only those that are worth keeping!
Hope youre keeping well Dave - maybe this year we will be able to roam and mix again, even if at first with caveats.....
Shalom, Jim

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