Just outside the town a stretch of sweet smelling honeysuckle growing over a drystane dyke.
A mother pheasant and half a dozen youngsters go jaywalking into the cornfield, and I wonder about the buzzard circling a field away.
Two goldfinches in classic pose having breakfast of thistledown.
Yellowhammers form a guard of honour along the wires.
Bennachie quickly shaking off its shroud of cloud.
Then I come to the steepest hill which needs a low gear. and takes what feels like hours but in reality a couple of minutes to climb.
Ahead of me a couple I always pass about 7.30 am on this road. I ping my bell but assure them I'm not going fast enough to injure anyone. They stand aside - she says, Well Done." He says, "Nearly there." I say, breathlessly, "Thank you."
There are worse ways to start the day.......