The Centre for Ministry Studies at the University of Aberdeen is launched into its first Summer School. The theme for the week is 'Participating in the MInistry of Christ' and we will explore Christian Ministry through the lenses of some of the defining theology that lies at the heart of Christology and ministry.
Ministry is incarnational; the down to earth glory of the Word become flesh points a ministry equally contextual, specific and among these people in this place.
Ministry os cruciform; just as Jesus both promised and warned, the seed must die, as the cross becomes both event and experience in the care and accompaniment of people within the events and experiences of human community.
Ministry is resurrectional; the eruption of life out of death means new creation, new life now, and ministry is a calling through service of word, sacrament and prayer to enable and encourage the body of Christ to live life to the full.
Ministry is ascensional; the ascended Lord, absent yet present, continues a ministry of intercession, gift giving and empowering so that the body of Christ is renewed and equipped in being the mission of God.
These are intended as days of reflection and renewal, re-orientation of ministry and refreshing of vocation. Each day a Bible study on Ephesians and two main sessions from keynote speakers chosen because of their proven fruitfulness in ministry and faithfulness to the core vocation of serving Christ with their gifts and energy.
I'll say more about the themes and the speakers in several posts this week. The photo is of King's College chapel, Aberdeen, at dusk.