This was written 80 years ago by T W Manson, an unjustly forgotten New Testament scholar whose book on The Teaching of Jesus remains a classic:
"The teaching of Jesus in the fullest and deepest sense is Jesus Himself, and the best Christian living has always been in some sort of imitation of Christ, not a slavish copying of His acts, but the working of His mind and spirit in new contexts of life and circumstance."
Revelation reaches its zenith in "the personality and life of Jesus of Nazareth,...It is a revelation in terms of the highest category we can know - that of personality."
These are wise words, and place the focus of Chhristian discipleship where it belongs - not on mission activity, our church, our spirituality, or indeed anything that takes the possessive pronoun "our". "The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we have gazed on his glory...He who has seen me has seen the Father...."