"A long time ago, in a Galaxy far away...." the Scottish theologian P T Forsyth delivered an address on The Ideal City. He too felt Britain was on the cusp of history. It was July 1913, in Llandridnod Wells, and he argued passionately for Christian engagement in politics to build a Christian City - characterised by large ideas, justice and kindness.
His address is now dated, and the gender exclusive language, the norm for his age, is almost laughably blatant - so I edited it a wee bit - (and he's probably burling in his grave!) But the vision of citizenship as those committed to the common good, and civic life salted and radiant with Christians as passionate about the community around them as about their church, is one that may help us look beyond next Thursday determined to make good things happen - large ideas, justice and kindness. Here's the last couple of sentences.
"May God who set up the Kingdom of His Grace in a true and holy Man [Jesus], send us true women and men always to build our cities. But, if we be left with cities inhabited only by pushing egoists, then we shall need all His mercy, for we shall have neother beauty, worth, power, nor prosperity in the end."
If you want to read the whole address it's here http://cruciality.files.wordpress.com/2007/07/revelation-old-new-nc.pdf
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