The Vast Ocean Begins Just Outside Our Church: The Eucharist
Mary Oliver
Something has happened
To the bread
And the wine.
They have been blessed.
What now?
The body leans forward
To receive the gift
From the priest’s hand,
Then the chalice.
They are something else now
From what they were
Before this began.
I want
To see Jesus,
Maybe in the clouds
Or on the shore,
Just walking,
Beautiful man
And clearly
Someone else
On the hard days
I ask myself
If I ever will.
Also there are times
My body whispers to me
That I have.
Commenting on her poem Oliver wrote words of wisdom for theologians.
"Centuries ago theologians claimed they had parsed with precision how God acted on the bread and wine during the celebration of the Eucharist.
This wasn't helpful.
Their lust for certitude bruised a mystery which was best left alone. It eventually birthed theological wars about the nature of a meal that was ironically intended to mend, not tear apart.
I don't need to know what happens to the bread and wine to experience the oceanic love of God that I feel when I receive it, anymore than a newborn needs to know the mother's name and address to see and feel the adoration in her gaze."
To which I wish all God's people might say, "Amen".
Amen indeed. Thanks Jim.
Posted by: Lisa Mohapatra | October 27, 2013 at 09:59 PM
How true.
Posted by: Catriona | October 30, 2013 at 11:39 AM
As we all mourn the death of Mary Oliver, I'm curious if you can tell us where this poem and commentary exists? One of her books?
Posted by: Fr. Scott Russell | January 20, 2019 at 03:45 AM
The poem is found in her volume Thirst, page 24. The commentary was I think from an online article / lecture I can't now trace. I'll try later and update if I can.
Posted by: Jim Gordon | January 20, 2019 at 09:26 AM