I do not deny that I love a good fight,
but I also know that it is a mistake,
at least if you are a Christian,
to have your life or theology determined by who you think are your enemies.
Christians know we will have enemies
because we are told we must love our enemies.
That we are commanded to love our enemies
is not a strategy to guarnatee that all enmity can be overcome,
but a reminder that for Christians our lives must be determined
by our loves, not our hates.
That is why Christians cannot afford to let ourselves be defined
by what we are against.
Whatever or whomever we are against,
we are so only because God has given us so much to be for.
(Stanley Hauerwas, A Better Hope (Grand Rapids: Brazos, 2000), page 9.
The picture is of Dorthy Day loving her enemies, and showing what she is for, and therefore what she is against. It serves as a monochrome icon.