The Energy Minister, Chris Huhne thinks the consumer is significantly to blame for high energy prices.
85% of consumers can't be bothered to shop around for a better deal, he says.
The average family could save up to £300 a year just by changing supplier.
In other words, let the market set the price, and the most savvy people will benefit.
So what about people who don't have online access;
many of the more elderly and vulnerable people in our communities;
low income families where even if they got a better deal, energy is still so expensive the choice is between heat and food;
Oh - and what about the fact that the big 6 have all put prices up more than 10% and they control 99% of the market.
I suggest Chris Huhne shops around and gets enrolled in one of the following courses:
"Get Real - Towards a Basic Understanding of Social Realities"
"Laissez Faire - the History of a Bad Idea for the Poor."
"Making the Right Choice - Principles for Getting the Balance Right Between Heat and Food"
"Let Justice Flow - and Alternative View of Energy Flow."