"The lessons of the crisis of faith may have helped us and may help us still to know the glory of the Triune God, the Creator, the Judge and the Saviour of Humanity, and to proclaim it with more humility, more love, and more understanding of those who find faith hard...it is through the facing of dark nights, whether in the mysery of God or in the agonies of the world, that the deepening of faith is realised."
Michael Ramsey was writing in the 1960's - but those simple priestly words have considerable resonance for the confused and anxious Church of the 21st century on these islands. In them he identified humility as the essential tone of missiology in a secular society, and love as the distinctive hallmark of truly Christlike discipleship, and compassionate understanding as the required emotional psychology of the follower of Jesus. Hard to improve on that.
Hi Jim,
Hadn't associated God with 'mysery' until now. I guess God has witnessed much mysery and suffering. Your blogs always throw new light on a miryad of subjects, for which I am greatful.
See you soon,
Posted by: Mike Coumans | April 19, 2011 at 10:53 AM
Maybe I was thinking of miserere Mike - meaning 'have mercy'. Actually mysery does work with agonies in the text! But i will chek my speling moar cairfooly in fyootyoor. :-/
Posted by: Jim Gordon | April 19, 2011 at 01:55 PM