In his theological memoir, Hannah's Child, Hauerwas writes with astonishing honesty about himself, others, his faith and how he sees the world. Referring to his wife's mental ill health he reflects on those who have assumed a theologian would have answers about how such life can be so lonely and sad. Then he says this:
I have learned over the years as a Christian theologian that none of us should try to answer such questions. Our humanity demands that we ask them, but if we are wise we should then remain silent. ..When Christianity is assumed to be an "answer" that makes the world intelligible, it reflects an accommodated church committed to assuring Christians that the way things are is the way they have to be.
Such answers cannot help but turn Christianity into an explanation. For me, learning to be a Christian has meant learning to live without answers. Indeed, to learn to live in this way is what makes being a Christian so wonderful. Faith is but a name for learning how to go on without knowing the answers..... (pp. 207-8)