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November 04, 2010


Ian Sinclair

There are quite a few 'posher' eating places to the south of this but none can compare for value for money - as long as you can negotiate the host of ten wheel trucks in the car park.


Ken Fisher

We know the 'greasy spoon' cafe near Stracathro v. well as it was a favourite haunt of my father after he was widowed when we visited him at home in Montrose and we took him out for a 'healthy repast'!! Our favourite was a large fry-up!!!

Glad to hear you are on the mend.

Sue Sewell

So very happy to see that this place is still going strong. In 1974 we drove past it every day for three weeks on our journey back to Auchenblae after visiting our sick baby in Stracathro Hospital. "Ye may gang faur an' fare waur" has remained with me since those days.

Bert Rait

"Ye may gang faur an' fare waur" GREAT ARTICLE!

A weeel kint Timeless gem of bygone days and yet it still thrives today with its inviting welcome emblazoned in the front of the building. A tourist stop and a tired lorry driver looking to take a break for a few mintees. I ate there in the 1960's before I scarpered to the USA to learn a new language ..."American English" which is an atrocious attempt at proper English. Confusing, since the yanks don't use the Normandic spelling and are completely baffled by Doric! They do speak with distinct Irish passion in the North East.

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