Now I don't want to trivialise denominationalist, post denominationalist arguments. But I can't make up my mind whether this cartoon is saying something funny in a serious way, or saying something serious in a funny way.
But for myself, I remain passionately committed to the diversity of the Body of Christ, and a yearner for its unity to be expressed in the co-ordination and harmonic actions that embody the presence of the risen Christ in the power of the Spirit to the glory of the Father. The reasons why a denomination was first formed can of course lose their validity and convictional hold for later generations - but not necessarily so. And not if those reasons continue to express distinctives made authentic in convictional practices that are to the enrichment of the whole body. Something about if the whole body were an ear where would be the sense of smell.....
The cartoon is on page 62 of the Brazos Introduction to Christian Spirituality, Evan B Howard, (Grand Rapids: Brazos, 2008). Don't be fooled by the title - this "Introduction" is 500 pages of double column large format hardback. It's a superb resource and very, very good value - The Book Depository has it for around £13 including postage.
I am greatly enjoying reading my copy of Brazos Introduction to Christian Spirituality. Fantastic value for money! The content is lifted by the wonderful cartoons just wish the book was as well - it's a hefty tome!
Posted by: Graeme Clark | November 20, 2009 at 08:59 PM