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September 28, 2009


Tony Maude

An interesting post Jim. Having benefitted from both scientific and theological education, I think there are strengths and weaknesses in both.

In training for Christian ministry today, surely Christian character is far more important than competence. Doing the right things for the wrong motives will ultimately prove to be unsustainable.

Finally, I'm not sure I'm entirely comfortable with including theology and pastoral studies as a "literary humanist" field of study.

Jim Gordon

Hello Tony and thanks for your comments. Literary humanism bears little relation to atheistic humanism - indeed theology was first taught in the University as incorporating both humanities and the sciences. But in relation to education as such, the humanities intentionally focus on the study of that which enriches understanding of human nature, culture and moral experience. In fact Christian humanism is a more ancient form of such study than its more modern negative counterart atheistic humanism. And Christian humanism as study of the humanities presupposes both natural and revealed theology as major premises in the literary, formative,reflective and creative processes of a humanities based education. And it does so by paying careful attention to text and interpretation, literary activity and artistic expression as vehicles of articulated human experience. Not for nothing did earlier generations require a liberal arts education in the humanities before a Divinity degree.

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