Today is the fourth consecutive day of meetings. I don't mean days in which there was a meeting. I mean days which were entirely made up of meetings. it's not that I don't like meetings. It's just that meetings involve, well meeting; they are held indoors; meetings function by people talking, something that comes too easily for me; the food is usually bought in to allow us to have maximum time for meeting rather than eating.
And if I ask what's been achieved by all this meeting - quite a lot actually. It isn't that this week of meetings has not been worthwhile - more that they are all on the one week. But even with the most creative diary juggling, such a meeting of meetings in the one week has simply proved impossible to avoid. Today there will be four meetings. Well, now - I could become super-spiritual and pedantic and say that tonight isn't a meeting. Since it is our annual College Thanksgiving Service it is worship - and if that's a meeting it's planned, an intentional time for us to meet with each other and with the God whose presence is promised not only tonight but in the academic year that's just gone.
But I don't want to be super-spiritual. Whether committee or worship service - offered to God our time, gifts and service is in the most important sense, worship. For me, every meeting this week has been about trying to serve God in our lives by doing well what we are all called to do. So Monday was Subject Panel and Programme Panel when student performance was reviewed and confirmed. And that performance ranged from good to stunningly good - which is reason enough for thanksgiving, by students and staff. Tuesday and Wednesday were Board of Ministry days when we walked alongside four people seeking God's will for their future as they tested their call to Baptist ministry - in prayer, conversation and discussion - that too is reason for thanksgiving. Today one meeting will be about ongoing financial challenges and encouragements, the next will explore issues around learning and teaching and how to do both better, then College Committee which is the group responsible for College Governance and Development and for exploring more widely the next stages of our life together. I see all of these meetings as integral to what we will do tonight in our worship, thanksgiving and celebration of the ministry of God.
So. A day of meetings, at the end of a week of meetings, but all of it ending with thanksgiving - and our glad meeting together to say so, to God, and each other. If you read this on time, and tonight have the time, come and share the evening with us.
Scottish Baptist College Annual Thanksgiving Service
When - Thursday June 18, 7.30
Where - in Central Baptist Church in Lady Lane (Just across from Thomas Coats Memorial Church).
The preacher is the Rev Brian More, Senior Pastor for Congregational Leadership at Newton Mearns. As always the folk from Central Baptist congregation will provide refreshements at the end. Come if you can.
Jim i love meetings! on another note, i was looking back through your archives and in june 2007 you did a post on books you glad you had read that year ... i wonder if you might do the same. what have been the highlights for you?
Posted by: andy goodliff | June 18, 2009 at 08:06 AM
Jim I know its Scotland but (smaller) meetings could take place outside (rain / midges withholding) I've done some marriage prep in the park over icecream, but my wife has gone one better and managed to have some A and E business meetings in the garden of the hospital on a sunny day.
Posted by: Craig Gardiner | June 18, 2009 at 09:09 AM
Hope you have a great evening. It's great to see that Brian will be your speaker. Give him my best. Ken
Posted by: Ken | June 18, 2009 at 01:15 PM