Fib: a poem of
20 syllables in which the number of
syllables in each line is the total of the two previous lines - thus
1,1,2,3,5,8. You can of course continue upwards so that the next line
is 13, then 21, then 34 after which it gets too silly I think.
Fib poems are based on the Fibonacci mathematical sequence.
This one could be better. But I still find the discipline of word control an effective way of clarifying some of the thoughts that come when praying the Lord's Prayer regularly, with eyes open to the world.
"Our Father...."
Holy muttering.
Anamnesis. Daily reminder.
God's in His Heaven, and all's (far from) well with the world.
Pater noster. Bread for hunger, forgiven wrong, hearts resilient and set free.
Human life flourishing, name of God hallowed, the will of God who is Love lovingly lived. Let us pray, not for me, for us, "Our Father....."