Yesterday I posted the delightful poem of Dorthy Sayers, a form of compline in verse, gently urging gratitude as the defining disposition of life. I also posted on the nonsense of nuclear subs colliding because they were too good at hiding from everyone, even their friends. An evening prayer of thanks for friendship, forgiveness, laughter and wisdom, contrasted with a road traffic accident on the ocean floor. The irony of two cloaked submarines colliding, is matched by a further irony in my juxtaposition of a post on gratitude for life's blessings and a post on weapons of mass destruction
And here's another ironic twist. Dorothy Sayers near the end of The Zeal of Thy House, one of her plays, has one of the characters compare the creativty of the Triune God with human creativity which is the mirror image of divine activity - (forgive the gender exclusive 'men' - Dorothy would have been front of the queue to have inclusive language set as the gold standard in communication).
Praise Him that He hath made man in His own image,
a maker
And craftsman like Himself, a little mirror of His
Triune Majesty.
For every work of creation is threefold, an earthly
to match the heavenly.
So the Creator God makes the multitudinous creatures of the sea, and calls them good; and we make submarines with Trident capability and the powers that be try to tell us they are good - but just what kind of God does Trident mirror?