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October 28, 2008



my oh my Jim....you know me so well .....I was loving looking at that picture; studying the detail as I read your words; the tender way the man in the boat was reaching out to receive the little child, the child "coorying behind" the skirts of the Sunday School teacher as she awaits her turn to embark; and then I thought.....
.....check out all the wee boys! They are all peering over the edge and surely one of them is about to fall in! The girls are on the left, hugging the wall; the boys are ALL on the right; leaning over the water. The painter has truly caught this important detail from empirical observation.

And there are not enough adults there to supervise! What about the ratios!? The BUGB's "Safe to Grow" guidelines are not being adhered to!

You're right. It's a beautiful painting, and I love it. I must forget the modern day entrapments (for want of a better description!) that so easily hinde and sometimes prevents the older generations blessing the young and I want to do all I can to foster such tender moments.

Thank you Jim, for reproducing the painting and telling us of its history, for thinking of me (in the freezing east) and for encouraging others who nurture faith or introduce the good news to the young.

I fancy I see something of Jesus in the outstretched hand of the man in the boat.....

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