So when such a student as mentioned above comes to College, they don't come to start learning - they come to begin learning differently, and they do so with considerable wisdom, knowledge and know how already in the bank. So when it came to meeting with our denominational Board of Ministry, our student was asked if he had enjoyed the academic work. His answer 'No'. 'But it's been good for me'.
When then asked for one particular thing he had learned that was important he replied,'The definition of a good book'.
Pressed further what that might be, his reply lives on because of the laughter the truthfulness of his reply generated: The definition of a good book? Here's the reply, delivered in a broad West of Scotland accent and with considerable conviction: 'A thin one'.
I've thought often about that answer - and the wisdom and honesty of a man for whom reading isn't the be all and end all of learning. I never thought it was - I've worked in a brickwork setting bricks, ploughed fields with tractor and multi-blade plough, done the best part of an apprenticepship as an electrical engineer, shared in the management of a small market garden. And I've known many learned people whose learning didn't come from hours spent reading, and for whom reading was a necessary precondition only for learning what they needed to know, in order to know how to do what they wanted to do. The connection between knowing and doing was central to who they were, how they lived their lives, and just as important, was a key component of the accumulated wisdom and learning that comes from a life well lived
A good book is a thin one. It doesn't try to intimidate you with its learned bulk; it won't take chunks of your life to plough through assiduously assembled arguments, nor spend zillions of words telling you what is interesting to the writer rather than what is important for you the reader; it will get to the point, say the essentials with minimum fuss, and because it is a thin book, will say it well in order to make the most persuasive case in the space available. And if you are lucky and blessed, it will change how you think, how you look at life, and make you thankful for thin books. Preaching for 50 minutes takes less time to prepare than preaching for 10 minutes. Somewhere in 50 minutes there will be things worth hearing, but what a lot of other stuff you have to live through to get there. But in ten minutes, to say what is worth saying, and worth others hearing, is a bigger ask. And if it is pulled off, it saves folk a lot of time and tedium.
Likewise books. Now I've read my share of thick books - big, bulky brieze blocks of Barthian dimensions. But I've also read thin ones - under 200, even under 150 pages, and could argue that what I learned from them could never have been as persuasively, effectively, life changingly accessed in a book two, three or even four times the size. So I'm going to do a series of posts soon in praise of thinner books, as a tribute to a man who once told us something wise about learning, and showed us he had used his time well in College. A definition of a good book - a thin one.
I'm hoping to have a few guest posts from those of you who wish to write a piece in praise of a thin book - no more than 160 pages - the odd choice of maximum pages is because one of the books I want to write about is 156 pages. Post a comment with your suggestion if you have an offer, and meantime I'm asking one or two to think about doing one.
The Rhythm of Doctrine by John Colwell (135pp) - fantastic short systematic theology shaped round the church's liturgical year.
Posted by: andy goodliff | May 28, 2008 at 10:18 AM
Hmm. Now on the the look-out for a thin Bible.
Posted by: Trevor | May 29, 2008 at 07:17 AM
Why only theology? Jekyll and Hyde, by Stevenson is only 60 pages long, is a profound exploration of the nature of evil (and a meditation on Romans 7), is a myth (known in every playground)which has given us a way of describing the divisions in ourselves, but is in no way like the 'monster' films it has spawned. and it's Scottish.
Posted by: Kate | May 29, 2008 at 11:49 AM
Surely 'The Sacred Diaries of Adrian Plass' (128pp) would have to be considered, a wonderful, satirical view on church life. Have we not all chuckled at it?
Posted by: alepie | May 29, 2008 at 12:57 PM
Best 'thin book' I've read recently was Dissident Discipleship By David Augsburger- A must read recommended for all Christians. I was recommended this book by another student and it did not disappoint.
Posted by: gavin hunter | May 29, 2008 at 05:43 PM
Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (96 small pages) is one thin book which is fat with meaning and impact. Changed my life!
Here is a passionate call to Christian community where community finds its origin and existence in Christ and not as a challenge or an ideal to be worked towards. A wonderful book that saves us from the joyless oppression of having to . . . .
Posted by: Graeme Clark | May 30, 2008 at 04:47 PM
Oh boy Short books - I revel in them!
Of the short books I have read these are just a few suggestions:
'The Homiletical Plot: The Sermon as Narrative Art Form' by Eugene L Lowry 138 pages of brilliant writing
As long as you don't count the four pages of notes 'As One Without Authority' by Fred Craddock - Is a must for any aspiring preachers
Again if you discount the 17 pages that make up the notes and bibliography 'Preaching as Local Theology and Folk Art' by Leonora Tubbs Tisdale is a great read.
Here is a controversial one for you 'Pelagius A Reluctant Heretic' By B R Rees 144 pages plus some notes and a bibliography
Perhaps 'Postmodernity: Christianity in a Fragmented Age' 113 pages plus some notes would be on safer ground
As would 'Richard Baxter' by Geoffrey F Nuttall 131 pages plus some notes and a Apendicies
'The Pratice of the Presence of God: Being Conversations & letters of Brother Lawrence' is only 65 pages! and is not even a full ize book in fact it is pocket sized!
Then of course there is 'In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership by Henri J Nouwen - Not only is this a short book with only 81 pages but it also has very large print as well!
Of course I could also add 'The Way of the heart'(86 pages) and 'The Wounded Healer' (100 pages) to the list but as they reamin on my bookshelf with a tag saying waiting to be read.
Perhaps these are enough to be going on with - but as you can guess I too applaud the thin book!
Posted by: The Manse Cat | May 30, 2008 at 08:39 PM
Although I realise that this is not a competition to find the shortest book while I was researching an essay I came across 'The Circle and the Ellipse: Rival Concepts of Authority in the Early Church' by Henry Chadwick. It was published by Oxford University Press in 1959 and is only 17 pages long. Now that is what I call a short book!
Posted by: The Manse Cat | May 30, 2008 at 10:55 PM
There's a few that immediately jump to mind:
Karl Barth, 'God Here and Now' (108 pages)
Gerhard O. Forde, 'On Being a Theologian of the Cross' (121 pages)
PT Forsyth, 'The Soul of Prayer' (92 pages)
PT Forsyth, 'The Church, the Gospel and Society' (127 pages)
PT Forsyth, 'This Life and the Next' (87 pages)
Helmut Thielicke, 'A Little Exercise for Young Theologians' (41 pages)
Thomas F. Torrance, 'The Mediation of Christ' (126 pages)
John Webster, 'Holiness' (116 pages)
Posted by: Jason Goroncy | May 31, 2008 at 02:58 PM