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April 10, 2008


Endlessly Restless

Aye 11A - I've arrived there. I felt like I'd paid Scotrail (as they were then) for the privilege of walking to Central station from the Ayrshire coast! I only remembering it happening once - but it was raining, and Scotrail seemed to have forgotten to provide an escort for one of my fellow passengers who was blind. It took me a great deal longer than 5 minutes to get to Gordon Street, going against the tide of punters heading to 11A, with a blind man on my arm. But we did have a nice chat, which took away my grumpiness at a minor inconvenience for an occasional rail traveller.

Chris Mcfadyen

if there is a god there would not be a platform 11A


A traveller

11a is now 12, and I have been informed it will be extended into the station, so the walk will be reduced by the time the Airport Link is in place. I've never found it too bad to be honest, but I can imagine that in the rush hour it's terrible!

Chris McFadyen

I for one am appalled by the conspiracy to cover up the existence of platform 11a by re-branding it platform 12. It is a farce. I will make it my duty to protest on a frequent basis to vent my anger! Pino is on the case!!!!

Chris McFadyen

I have written to Scotrail several times and I am constructing a petition to overthrow the Scotrail hierarchy. If anybody would like to join me in this crusade then please email me at "[email protected]" but please put "Platform 11a Conspiracy" in the subject so I know what the email is about.

Peace out brothers in arms!
Fearless leader - Pino

Alex Hope

Chris, I like the cut of your jib. I've sent you an email concerning what I feel Scotrail should be doing for us, rather than what we have to do for them.

I already have petitioned Scotrail execs on several occasions. The mindless fat cats enjoy a total monopoly for local transport and I have a case waiting to be heard at the monopolies commission. Finally, I have written to my MP and MSP to detail why this situation is farcicle. Statistics show that the price of running Scotrail fell by about 11% in 2008 due to cheaper fuel and the like, yet I, and my fellow public transportians have to get more out of pocket to pay the average 8% increase in prices. I am not happy about this, no sir.

Chris McFadyen

Alex, you heard from the monopolies commission yet? I, as of late, have once again been subjected to the total cover up that is platform 12 (formerly 11A). As I was doing so there were various members of scotrail staff doing only what I can describe as loitering. Fellow members of the scotrail team then proceeded to "check" the validity of my ticket. I for one was appalled at the way I was treated after walking the long distance just to enter central station- the hub of public transport in Glasgow. I feel that our efforts to raise this issue must be doubled and I propose that we chair a meeting outlining our ideas

Fearless leader- Pino

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