Those reading the comments on the NT Haiku Post will have noticed that my normally reliable arithmetic suffered a recent lapse. However, though this might have undermined my theological confidence, I appeal to Basil the Great to put such a marginal lapse in arithmeticality in its proper persepctive.
When the Lord taught us the doctrine of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, he did not make arithmetic a part of this gift! He did not say, 'In the first, the second, and the third', or 'In one, two and three'...The Unapproachable One is beyond numbers, wisest sirs...There is one God, and Father, One Only Begotten Son, and one Holy Spirit. We declare each Person to be unique, and if we must use numbers, we will not let a stupid arithmetic lead us astray to the idea of many gods.'
Basil the great, On The Holy Spirit, (New York: St Vladimir's seminary Press, 1980), para 44.