The universe that is steadily being disclosed to our various sciences is found to be characterised throughout time and space by an ascending gradient of meaning in richer and higher forms of order. Instead of levels of existence and reality being explained reductionally from below in materialistic and mechanistic terms, the lower levels are found to be explained in terms of higher, invisible, intangible levels of reality. in this perspective the splits become healed, constructive syntheses emerge, being and doing become conjoined, and integration of form takes place in the sciences and arts, the material and the spiritual dimenisions overlap, while knowledge of God and of his creation go hand in hand and bear constructively on one another.
T. F. Torrance, Reality and Scientific Theology, xi.
This piece of abstract but highly assertive theology reminds me of one of my favourite hymns:
O Lord of every shining constellation
that wheels in splendour through the midnight sky;
Grant us your Spirit’s true illumination
to read the secrets of your work on high.
You, Lord, have made the atom’s hidden forces,
your laws its mighty energies fulfil;
Teach us, to whom you give such rich resources,
in all we use, to serve your holy will.
O Life, awaking life in cell and tissue,
from flower to bird, from beast to brain of man;
Help us to trace, from birth to final issue,
the sure unfolding of your age-long plan.
You, Lord, have stamped your image on your creatures,
and, though they mar that image, love them still;
Lift up our eyes to Christ, that in His features
we may discern the beauty of your will.
Great Lord of nature, shaping and renewing,
you made us more than nature’s heirs to be;
You help us trace, with grace our souls enduing,
the road to life and immortality.
A F Bayly